
Rabu, 12 Juni 2013

Free Download Mall Tcyoon 3 (Full Version)

Mall Tycoon 3 delivers a dynamic new 3D environment, expressive shoppers, and trendy and customizable stores that will bring the mall experience to life like never before. If the player is doing their job right, shoppers will be content and will spend, spend, spend! If their management skills are lacking, the gamer will see it on the shopper's faces before they exit the mall forever. The power to attract shoppers is all part of the game play, with the tools to build a fabulous mall only a mouse click away! Video game arcades, tasty food courts, high tech movie-theaters and endless decorating options help to bring in the customers. Players can test their management mettle in "Challenge" mode, or begin the construction of their dream-shopping complex right away in "Sandbox" mode.

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